Tamron Hall… A Quick Change Artist
Tamron Hall in Evan Hirsch

Tamron Hall has made fashion a mainstay of her daily show & VERY New York public relations couldn’t be happier.  Why? Because Tamron herself has taken a liking to one of our newest clients, Evan Hirsch, the social media sensation & guru behind his trademark transforming gowns that become a different color or different silhouette (or both!) in a split second. Tamron featured Evan on her show about up & coming designers & has had him on the show several times since just to “check in” with his fashionable progress.

People Magazine has run a constantly updating feature on Tamron Hall’s most recent fashions & featured as number 56 of 71 total posts is Evan Hirsch’s dress he made for Tamron just for his appearance on her show. See the full feature at this link.

Thanks for the stylish love Tamron & congratulations Evan.

Want to learn more about Evan Hirsch?  Check out his site at: www.evan-hirsch.com