Bishme Cromartie in Fashion Reverie
Bishme Cromartie in Fashion Reverie

Internet magazine Fashion Reverie is a rare breed of publictions.  VERY New York public relations loves to work with publications that do real writing… real reporting… & Fashion Reverie is just such a publication. When we saw the piece that posted on Project Runway Season 20 All-Stars winner Bishme Cromartie, we couldn’t have been more excited… then we read the story & we got even more excited!

To read the story for yourself, click on this link.

Bishme Cromartie is one of the most talented designers working in the US at the moment & hands down one of the nicest people we’ve ever met in the business… PERIOD!

Congratulations Bishme & thank you Fashion Reverie!

Visit Bishme Cromartie’s website: