Florals: The Hottest [& Prettiest] Spring Trend

Caribbean focused on-line fashion magazine Jamaque Paradis covered their hottest Spring trend… florals… also proclaiming it “the prettiest” trend as well!  What are we so excited about?  Well, 5 of the 8 items they featured were clients of VERY New York Public Relations!  Not bad, if we say so ourselves…

In addition to the Thalé Blanc tapestry floral clutch that headlined the article & is pictured above, there was also a scarf from Rory Worby, a bodysuit from 3Wishes.com, a piece of artwork from Deanna First, & a floral infused body oil from Shaun Leon Bath & Body.

The article made it clear that a fashion trend isn’t just about clothing, but rather about a full lifestyle…

We have a feeling that this trend isn’t just for the Caribbean & believe that Spring Florals are going to be all the rage on the mainland as well.  Click on the links above to learn more about each item featured.

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