New Client: Mad & Mac

New Client: Mad & Mac

Rita Harris, the founder of Mad & Mac lingerie has been in the business for a long time… in fact, back when Scott first started his career, he had a collection of lingerie by the name of “French Jenny” & Rita was his sales representative.  A few years back, Rita was in search of a line of fashionable basic panties & daywear to sell her oodles of accounts & she couldn’t quite find exactly the right collection.  Around the same time, she met a lace supplier who had the ability to not only produce incredible laces, so soft that they were like the proverbial “butt-ah”.  Rita thought… “wait a minute!” The lightbulb lit up in her mind & voila!!! Mad & Mac was born.

Named for Rita’s two daughters, Madison & MacKenzie, the collation is now a go to for fashionable women who regard the collection with such loyalty that Rita says she is hesitant to ever discontinue a style or color, for fear the legions of fans will rise in intimate revolt! The tagline of the collection is “The softest thong you’ll ever wear” & fans of the collection agree.

Never heard of the collection?  Well you won’t be able to say that very much longer, because welve taken on the collection to spread the word far & wide that Mad & Mac is not only here, but about to be your new favorite for everyday wear.  Check out the full range on their website:

There’s a lot of new just over the horizon, including the launch of an entirely new website as well as some guest designer news… so keep your eye on this label… you’ll be glad you did!