Tijana Ibrahimovic & William Gooch in NY NoMad Mag

On of the best new entries into the fashion news scene is NY NoMad Mag.  They offer thoughtful, in-depth style reporting on a range of interesting stories the likes of which can be found on every corner around the greatest city on the planet (ok… perhaps we are just a bit biased…)!  Two of VERY New York public relations’ clients were profiled in this piece about the new bi-weekly fashion video series “Fashion Reverie Talks”, the brainchild of William S. Gooch, III… seasoned fashion veteran & Editor in Chief of the home site, FashionReverie.com.

Noted Celebrity Style Expert, Tijana Ibrahimovic, founder of Pop Style TV is a c0-host of Fashion Reverie Talks & was the featured cast member in this piece, the second such profile piece penned by writer Tessa Swantek.  Give this story a read, check out Tijana’s site (www.PopStyleTV.com) & tune into Fashion Reverie Talks on YouTube… your fashion IQ will thank you!