Negris LeBrum Goes to Print

California Apparel News, the official trade publication of the West Coast Garment Center, printed their recent story from their website, “Travis Hamilton Depicts His Comprehensive View of History in New Collection” in their print issue.  It’s the first time we’ve scored that honor & we couldn’t have chosen a more deserving piece than this one.  Houston, TX based Negris LeBrum was founded on a collection of t-shirts that were inspired by some early pieces by design legend Kenneth Cole.

VERY New York public relations has been garnering a great deal of success placing Negris LeBrum’s entire collection, but especially the range of t-shirts.  The latest series is entitled the American Legend Series & features three iconic American monuments with the faces swapped out with African American figures of note.  The Statue of Liberty was reimagined with Harriet Tubman’s face, the Lincoln Monument was refashioned with the likeness of Frederick Douglas & Mount Rushmore was redesigned featuring Barack Obama, John Lewis, Martin Luther King & Malcolm X.

Each is available as either long sleeve or short sleeve versions & can be found on the Negris LeBrum website at this link.

Rumor has it the a second installment in the series is being designed… stay tuned for details.