On the heels of the much anticipated debut of the Halston mini-series on Netflix that debuted early this month, VERY New York public relations was mentioned in a story on FashionUnited.com. The story, about Halstonette Chris Royer that was inspired by the weekly Instagram TV show co-hosted by our own R. Scott French with his co-host Vivian Kelly ( @TheFashionHistorian ). Writer Jackie Mallon tuned into the weekly show & was moved to write the article after hearing Chris share her stories of how she met Halston, how she got the job & a bunch of inside anecdotes. Royer also shared her view of the Halston legacy given her inside perspective. It may not be what you think!
The IGTV series is entitled “Fashion, Fashion, Fashion” & can be viewed on Scott’s TV channel ( @rscottfrench ) or Vivian’s. Tune in live or watch them in reruns… you won’t be alone!
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